Some thoughts about tech, the working life, and a few other bits
PHP 8.4 Most useful features
This blog explores the most useful new features in PHP 8.4, including property hooks, asymmetric visibility, and improved array functions.
Simplifying HTTP Requests with Guardian
Guardian simplifies HTTP requests with intelligent rulesets, caching, and error handling, helping you integrate APIs efficiently and reliably.
Class information!
We look at retrieving class information by passing a filename to ClassRetriever
Removing Duplicate Entries
We explore how to find duplicate data in a database and how to remove it.
Laravel model observers
This post takes a look at Laravel's model observer and how it can be useful with 3rd party packages
Programmers, don't store users' passwords!
If there is one lesson I can teach you is never store passwords as plain text. It's a huge vulnerability.
When to stop supporting older versions
Exploring when might be a good time to stop supporting older versions of packages, browsers and software.
The pros and cons of Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
Opinion is somewhat divided on whether ORM, or Object Relational Mapping, is a good or bad idea. We take a look at the pros and cons
Should you ever burn bridges?
They say 'You should never burn bridges, even if you want to' and this is generally very good advice, but are there times when you should?
Showing 1 to 9 of 11 results